1:1 Curriculum

Webinar – Classroom Integration with Lessons, Units, and Online Tools

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAHeather Chirtea will take you through a 1:1 integration strategy for the classroom with a detailed look at how technology can be incorporated into everyday curriculum.  Explore the online tools, units, and lessons that allowed students and teachers alike to become comfortable with their new technology.  Learn how use new technology to enhance your existing curriculum rather than isolating technology as its own subject.

More webinars here

Speaker Bio

Heather Chirtea
Executive Director/Founder, Board President

HeatherProfilePicHeather Chirtea is Digital Wish’s founder and Executive Director. Previously, as the longstanding president of Tool Factory, an educational software publisher, Heather traveled widely throughout the United States to conduct over 400 lively seminars on classroom technology integration each year.  With a dual B.S. in communications and operations management (statistics) from Syracuse University, Heather has co-authored five books on classroom technology; designed more than 60 hands-on technology seminars for educators; launched online services for classroom clip art, worksheets, lesson plans, and formative testing and assessment; and written over 5,000 standards-based test questions. She serves on the board of directors for VITA-Learn (VT) and New England ISTE technology associations.  Digital Wish has granted over 13 million dollars in technology to American schools.

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